Welcome to the Pritchard Lab.

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Recent News

I’m happy to re-introduce a working e-text for my PSYC 3950: Research Methods and Statistics III class. There will be continued updates.

The book can be found here: https://insightsandanalyses.netlify.app

Standard cut-offs are not recommended when determining a suitable effect size for a power analysis. Indeed, the ‘meaningfulness’ of an effect size will depend on some subjective elements. That is, a ‘small’ effect may have drastic implications in certain contexts, while ‘large’ effects may have little to no implications in other contexts. A recent publication has provided a practical example to help differentiate a statistically versus a clinical meaningful effect size.

Shiny applications offer a fantastic way to produce interactive web applications. Unsurprisingly, there are abundant R packages built specifically for Shiny to facilitate ‘telling your data story’. For example, I often use the pickerInput() function from the shinyWidgets package, which is more aesthetic and has built-in ‘Select All/None’ buttons compared to the base checkboxGroupInput(). pickerInput(inputId = 'picker', label = 'Please choose your options', choices = c("Plot", "Text", "Analysis"), multiple = T, options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE)) Please choose your options Plot Text Analysis This basic interface allows users to select any combination of selections.

Who We Are

Lab Director

Tyler Pritchard

Lab Director, Professor, Researcher, and Clinician

Rural Suicidology, Philosophy of Science, Mixed-methods Research

Undergraduate Students

Abby Caines

Undergraduate Student

Indigenous Youth Well-being

Ariel Thomas

Undergraduate Student

Rural Studies, Health Care, Patient Outcomes, Mindfulness-based treatments

Lab Alumni

Taylor Benoite

NSSI, Psychopathology, Developmental psychology

What We Do


Self-injury and Online Activity

Understanding how, why, and the effects of accessing or posting online content related to suicide and self-injury.

Undergraduate Research Methods and Statistics

Research and development of effective ways to teaching research methods and statistics to undergraduates.

Rural Suicide

Seeking to support Rural Canadians affected by suicide.

Suicide Theory

Progressing suicide theory to better understand who, how, and why individuals experience suicide ideations or engage in suicide behaviors.


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